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Curriculum Vitae

Past experiences


2019: Jumbo (vulploegmedewerker AGF)
2019-2021: Chinees restaurant de Panda (hulpkracht)
2020: Cafetaria t’zwarte paard (hulpkracht)
2021: De Koperen ezel (horeca)
2021-2022: Radio RTV794 (radio) 
2022-now: Silk, Sushi & Asian Dining (hulpkracht)
2022-now: Ossenstal (hulpkracht)


2008-2016: Katholieke basisschool de Klimopoeve

2016-2017: Openbare basisschool de Jan Ligthart

2017-2021: Middelbare school Christelijke college de Noordgouw VMBO-tl

2021-now: Cibap International Creative Business Developer



2019: Benoemings Advies Commissie voor VMBO afdelingsleider (BAC)

2019-2020: Juniormentor (begeleiding brugklassers)

2019-2021: Leerlingenraad, (notulist)

2019-2021: Atanatos (feestcommissie)

2020-2021: Medezeggenschapsraad

2021-now: Studentenraad Cibap

2021-now: PR- team

2022-now: future Proof

2022-now: Jongerenraad Zwolle / Blauwhaus 

2023-now: Raad voor Cultuur


Curriculum Vitae: CV


I work in adobe InDesign, Premiere Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator and SketchUp. I also like to work with Canva which has a lot of options for a better way to present assignments or as example, a Curriculum Vitae. I work the most in Adobe Photoshop for graphic- and illusion design.


I speak, write and read dutch and English and I am thinking about learning Spanish.

Curriculum Vitae: Text


My ambition is to graduate my current education: International Creative Business Developer MBO. Beside my education, I want to graduate my Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communications. After this I'd like to study International Business or something in event management. I'm highly interested in business such as marketing strategy's and project management in a creative project and I would love to work in the international, creative, business industry. I want to make beautiful and outstanding artwork and I'm very thrilled of the direction I am going.

Curriculum Vitae: Text

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